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11.03.2011 22:27  Virsbūve

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How long time need a full car paint?

Full car painting takes from 5 to 14 days, depending on the condition of the body. During this period included the dismantling of parts and body parts, training, direct painting, drying, varnishing and polishing the car.

Can you have in your service to buy tires?

Yes you can. There is an opportunity to purchase a new tire and used, from different manufacturers, different sizes. Tyre, we produce a service station on the street. Balta 3 / 9 (entrance from the street. Daugavgrīvas), daily except Sunday, from 9:00 to 19:00. Sign up or get additional information by phone. 29566508 or write to us: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

What guarantee do you give for painting?

According to the legislative acts of the Republic of Lithuania, we give a guarantee on work performed for a period 2 years. Warranty does not cover mechanical damage to paintwork.

How can you apply for a car service?

You can apply for maintenance and repairs in the "Apply" or tel. 29565692 (car wash on the street. Bull) or 29566508 (car wash on the street. Balta).


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